Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan on 'fatawa 'ala al hawa' on Saudi1 channel the 29th of June. This video includes 11 fatawa and below are the questions/fatawa: 1. Visiting a sick unconscious person. 0:14 2. Obl...
The Salafis are Ahlus Sunnah but not according to the ignorant among them who turned it to a sect and tarnished the name of Salafyyah while Salafyyah is innocent of them. Sheikh Bin Othaymeen did not ...
Sheikh Saleh al Fawzan answers a question about seeking knowledge in non Islamic countries. Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen answers a question of whether to leave or stay in a non muslim country for the sake of ...
Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan on wearing abayah from the shoulders or the head. And trimming/cutting the eyebrows for women. 19/10/11 Saudi channel 1. Ùتاوى على الهو...
The Salafis are Ahlus Sunnah but not according to the ignorant among them who turned it to a sect and tarnished the name of Salafyyah while Salafyyah is innocent of them. Sheikh Bin Othaymeen did not ...
Burjisibn Baz rahimuAllah rahimuAllah (Arabic) The shaykh died very young but had much knowledge mashallah and was a student of the late imam SHAYKH BIN BAZ rahimuAllah
Many brothers and sisters are dealing with the issue of marriage but they also want to seek knowlegde, some of them combine between the two and others only concentrate on seeking knowlegde and delay m...
Ihsaan Ibn Muhammad Al-'Utaybee narrates: "After having prayed in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, the Shaykh left the Haram wanting to go somewhere by car. So he stopped a taxi and sat in it. During the journey,...